Morning guys! I have been stayed up all night waiting for packaged. Yeah. Gonna have a trip tomorrow.
So~ As we wait the clock tick, How about some discussion?
It'll be fine, I'm too lazy to write anyway.
So, Let's start. Today, I'll be talking about
Waiitt!! What's weeaboo??
Weeaboo usually means someone who is obsessed with Japan Culture and attempts to act like it.And they usually too over reacting about some Anime/Manga characters. It's a bit similar to Wappanese (Japanese Wanna Be).
So, What's wrong??
Nothing. Really. I just think that's wrong. We should be happy to be our self.
They usually curses non japanese things and think everything from Japan
is amazing. Hya. That's just wrong. ;_;
Wait, What's the example of weeaboo?